Watching what happened in Yemen the past decade breaks my heart. I’m powerless and clueless as to how I can potentially help. I hope one day I can contribute to any change to the country. Similarly, I believe in Karma, what goes around will eventually come around to those who should be held accountable for the damage they have caused in Yemen.
Setting the emotions aside, Yemen, the land of Mocha and good people, is not given much attention. We are constantly forced to witness the disturbing war-zone in Yemen and innocent people having to endure the pain. According to the UN, Yemen is officially the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and it is evident that the crisis is human-made. Due to the crisis, the population and the cultural-heritage is at great risk. Not only is Yemen important for Muslims as it plays a key role in the spread of Islam but also has an important role in the wider human history. Yemen is mentioned in the Quran numerously and not to mention Prophet SAW praised Yemen and its people endlessly. The post will elaborate on some important historical events in Yemen and highlight the significant sayings of the Prophet SAW on Yemen and its people.
History of Yemen
Yemen’s oldest kingdom, Saba, was founded in the 11th century BC. The people of Sheba were ruled by a queen called Balqees in Yemen. Balqees married Prophet Suliman (RA) and details of the story are mentioned in chapter 34 in the Quran. People of Sheba built the Great Dam of Marib. The dam was built to withstand the seasonal flash floods surging down the valley. A short story of Balqees:
Prophets and the Yemeni People
Prophet Hood and Saleh were from the land of Yemen. Many of the ancient prophets came from Yemen and from the perspective of the Quran, Allah (SA) calls the land of Yemen as Baldatun Taiba – The pure and goodly land. The people of Yemen were the first to respond to the call of Hajj by the Prophet Ibrahim and Isamiel (RA), who built the holy Ka’aba. The people of Madina, Alansar, were the result of the migration of the Yemeni tribe.
There was a Yemeni king named Tubba had heard and read in the scripter that there will be a final prophet of God and he would settle in Yathrib – Madina before the advent of Islam. Therefore, the king left Yemen and went to Madina to wait for him in Yathrib. He even built the Prophet (SAW) a house 1000 years before his arrival, which became the house of Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari. When the prophet arrived at Madina, he made the camel decide, where the camel passed all the houses and stopped at Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari. Additionally, King Tubba was the first person to provide Kiswah (covering) to the Ka’bah. Yemeni people are religious and welcoming nature and the prophet himself stated that:
Had it not been for the migration (to Madina), I would have been one from the people of Yemen
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Ahadith about the virtues of Yemen and its people
There are about 40 ahadith and verses in the Quran praising the land and the people of Yemen. Below are selected favorites:
عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: كان أحب الثياب إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الحِبَرَةُ
On the authority of Anas who said,
‘The clothing most beloved to the Messenger of Allah was al-¤ibarah (the striped mantle of Yemen).’ [Muslim]
عن عُقبة بن عامرٍ رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: أهل اليمن أرقُ قلوباً وألينُ أفئدةً وأنجعُ طاعةً
On the authority of ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Amir who said, ‘The Messenger of Allah said, “The people of Yemen have the most delicate hearts, softest minds and are most readily obedient.”’ [Ahmad]
عن أبي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ عن رَسُول اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قال : ( أَتَاكُمْ أَهْلُ الْيَمَنِ هُمْ أَرَقُّ أَفْئِدَةً وَأَلْيَنُ قُلُوبًا ، الْإِيمَانُ يَمَانٍ وَالْحِكْمَةُ يَمَانِيَةٌ
On the authority of Ab› Hurairah who said, ‘The Messenger of Allah said, “The people of Yemen have come; they have the most tender hearts. Faith is Yemeni, understanding (Fiqh) is Yemeni and wisdom is Yemeni. ”’ [Muslim]
خير الرجال آهل اليمن والإيمانُ يمانٍ وآنا يمانٍ
The best of men are the people of Yemen. Faith is Yemeni and I am Yemeni. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)
Colonialism in Yemen
Due to the strategic location of Yemen, the Ottoman Empire and British occupied Yemen for many years – started in the 1500s. The country was divided into two parts: The North of Yemen was occupied by the Ottoman Empire and the South by the British.
The Ottomans occupied Yemen to safeguard the cities of Mecca and Madina. Meanwhile, establish a trade route to India. However, in the 1600s after many trials to occupy the country, the Ottomans failed.
In the 1700s, the European countries were caught smuggling coffee (Mocha) trees out of Yemen and eventually they took over Yemen after the Zaydi ruler became unstable. When the Ottomans witnessed the British victory, they were interested to come back to Yemen. The British route to India became 5000 miles shorter and saw Yemen as an opportunity to refuel their ships.
In the 1900s, the Ottoman Empire collapsed in Yemen followed by the British in the 1950s.